A Detailed Guide On How To Apply Woven Labels To Your Garments

Woven labels are pretty beneficial for the business’s growth and success. These durable pieces showcase small details that exhibit the brand’s information and contribute to product sales. But have you ever wondered how those cool woven tags end up on your clothing items?

Various methods and steps are involved behind the scenes to apply them appropriately to the garments. In this guide, you’ll unravel the secrets behind two fascinating ways to attach woven labels to your clothes. By the end of it, you can easily add that extra touch of style and information to your products.

6 Efficient Steps To Attach Woven Labels To Your Apparel By Hand

Give the hand-stitching method a shot if you have time and have stitched by hand before. Even if not, you can try this technique to achieve durable attachment.

1. Prepare Materials

    Gather your clothing item, woven labels, a needle, scissors, pins, and a thread that matches the tag or apparel. Iron the clothing item if needed to ensure a smooth surface for attachment.

    2. Position The Label

    Decide where you want the label to sit on the garment. Use straight pins to secure the label in place temporarily. Check for alignment to ensure it’s centred and straight.

    3. Thread Your Needle

    Cut a length of thread that is around 18-24 inches and thread it through the needle. Double it up and knot the ends together tightly. You can also utilize a thimble to safeguard your fingers from repeated needle pricks.

    4. Start The Stitching Process

    Start from the underside of the fabric to hide the knot. Pull the needle up through the material and the tag at the edge. Stitch in a manner that you hide the knot between the tag fabric. There are several techniques you can use, but here are the most common ones:

    • Running Stitch: It involves passing the needle through the fabric and labelling in a straight line, making evenly spaced stitches
    • Backstitch: In this type, you must create a stronger hold by doubling back on each stitch. Push the needle through the fabric, move backwards and come up slightly ahead to form a continuous line
    • Whip Stitch: Pass the needle through the fabric and then over the edge of the tag. It will create a circle-like design on the edge of the clothing.

    5. Stitch Around The Label

    Work your way around the entire perimeter of the piece, ensuring the stitches are even and tight. Maintain consistent tension to keep the tag securely in place. When you reach the starting point, secure the thread by making a small knot on the underside of the clothing material. Pass the needle through the material and loop it through the tag to create a knot. Trim any excess thread using a pair of scissors.

    6. Give Final Touches

    Carefully examine the tag to ensure it’s securely attached and sits flat on the garment. Gently tug on the title to check its stability. You can also use cotton clothing labels in this case. Applying the piece by your hand to the apparel ensures a secure attachment. It also embraces a personal touch that reflects craftsmanship and an artistic mind.

    5 Quick Steps To Apply Woven Labels To Your Garment With Machine

    If you have to apply tags in bulk to your clothing products, you should consider the following steps:

    1. Preparation

      Decide where to attach the woven label to your garment or product. Choose a thread colour that complements the apparel or the piece. Prepare your stitching machine by threading the needle and loading the bobbin with the chosen yarn.

    2. Securing Your Garment

     Place the garment or product securely on the flat surface of the sewing machine. Ensure it’s smooth and positioned correctly. Carefully keep the woven label on the desired spot of the garment. You can also utilise pins or fabric chalk to mark the exact placement if needed.

    3. Set Up Your Machine

      Adjust the stitching machine settings (stitch type, length, and tension) according to the fabric and tag material. You should test on a scrap piece first to ensure proper settings.

    4. Kick-Start The Stitching Procedure

     Lower the presser foot and align the needle with the marked position of the label. Start the machine slowly and steadily to ensure the pin enters the tag and fabric at the marked place. Keep an eye on the stitching procedure to ensure the needle goes through the label and material evenly. Once you reach the point from where you started sewing, stop the machine and get your foot away from the presser.

    5. Sprinkle Some Final Checks

     Inspect the attached care label for any loose threads or uneven stitching. Trim any loose threads carefully to avoid any unravelling for a neat finish. Here comes the optional step: you can use an iron with appropriate settings for the fabric to make the piece flat and wrinkle-free. Ensure you lightly press the tag and provide heat to avoid any burn or damage to the attachment.

    Ensure the garment/product is undamaged and ready for use or further processing. Clean the work area, remove scraps, and store the machine properly. It might take a few attempts to master the technique and achieve consistent and professional-looking results.

    • What type of sewing technique should be used for attaching woven labels?

      The best sewing technique for woven labels is to use a sewing machine with a straight or zigzag stitch. You can also prefer hand-stitching for better precision for more petite tags or delicate fabrics.

    • Are there any specific placement guidelines for attaching woven labels on clothing items?

     Knitted labels are typically attached on the inside back neck of garments or along the side seam. The exact placement may vary based on the design, brand preferences, or apparel type. Ensure the tag is visible but not unpleasant when the garment is worn.

    • How can I securely apply a woven label to the clothing item?

    Use strong and suitable thread to keep a sewn tag firmly attached. Ensure that the tags are correctly aligned and securely stitched on all edges. Test the piece’s attachment strength through quality control measures before mass production to ensure durability.

    Summing It All Up

    And there you have it! We’ve journeyed through two diverse methods that will give your clothing that extra flair with woven labels. Whether it’s the traditional hand-sewn approach or the efficient machine sewing technique, each one brings its own uniqueness to the table.

    Whether you consider craftsmanship or modern technology, both will ensure that the woven tags on your clothes look great and survive longer. Now you know how labels are applied to the attire and how many intricate processes are involved in making them a part of your fashion statement!

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